Saint Erasmus is my saint, said Mrs. Dragica Kocareva on June 22, 2016, when she told us the following case…

Always for the feast of Saint Erasmus in his monastery, for eating I was bringing roasted meat, and in the fasting days, I was bringing some motel specialty of fasting food.
On one of the Erasmus feasts, I said to myself:

I never bring kebabs.

I filled three dishes with kebabs and fries. I took them to the monastery.

Wow, how nice this smells! I haven’t eaten kebabs for so long – said the episcope and he stretched his arm to take it. But then he withdrew it straight away, saying:

No, we have to wait for the bishop to sing it first

This is the voice, this is the desire of St. Erasmus expressed through the mouth of the brother episcope – said one priest and all present people used the cross sign because on the table was also Saint Erasmus.

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