The first icon I’ve made was for St. Erasmus in 1970. From the workmanship I was satisfied and I said to myself:

“I will give this icon as a gift to some church”.

Since the creation of the icon, it took quite a bit of time. I forgot about the promised. One night, before the awakening, something struck me, I was sweating and I heard a voice:

“What you’ve promised, fulfill it!”

I was scared in the dream and suddenly I got up.

– What’s wrong with you? What are you sweating? Why are you so strange? – asked my mother worried.

I told her about the burden and the voice I’ve heard, that I promised the icon of St. Erasmus to give to a church, but I completely forgot.

– Immediately bring the icon to Kamensko church! The promised need to be fulfilled, and not forgotten! – my mother said to me.

I’ve framed the icon, I’ve put a glass over it and took it to “Holy Virgin Mary” in Kamensko, where it is currently. Immediately I felt a relaxation, the ease of the soul, and the voice didn’t appear anymore – said Mr. Klime Niceski on 12 February 2015.

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