In the folk traditions, in order to emphasize the miraculous power of the saints, they often associate, regardless of the time interval they lived in, which separated them.

One such tradition is given by Eftim Sprostranov in the book “Records about the history of Ohrid” for St. Erasmus, St. Clement and St. Naum, even though they have been separated for six centuries. Its essence is next.

Saint Erasmus was friend with St. Clement and St. Naum. The three friends/saints simultaneously built their churches. They had only one tool: one tesla, one hammer, one crew and other necessary tools that were only by one in number.

When one of them needed a tool, for example, a tesla who was at another saint, the tool itself was appearing to him and then returning itself, or was sent itself to the third saint, and so on. Thus, the three saints were using the same tool in the construction of their three churches.

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